
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Green Beer

luck of the Irish...

It's St. Patrick's Day and many have been celebrating since early this morning. Ah, it reminds me of my college days at Miami. Up until a few years ago we never had the chance to celebrate St. Patty's Day because our spring break always fell on that week. So, what did we do? We celebrated the Thursday before and dubbed the day Green Beer Day. It's Miami's version of today's celebration...oh, excuse me...I have to say it's Oxford, OH's version of St. Patrick's Day.

Well, as the years have passed Miami officials have tried to stop Green Beer Day by moving spring break after the St. Patrick's Day holiday. So far, it hasn't stopped the tradition of celebrating green beer on the Thursday prior to spring break. I hope it never does! This Thursday is Green Beer Day at Miami and today is St. Patty's day. So, whenever and whatever you celebrate, just drink Green Beer. Here's how to make it...

Ingredients - Serves 2
3 Light Lager Beers
Green Food Coloring
2 Large Mugs to Serve

Add 4-6 drops of green food coloring into the bottom of one of the large mugs. Tilt and pour in one and a half beers (or too the top). Repeat. Cheers. Drink!

I'll leave you with an old Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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