
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Basil Mojitos

a labor of love...

Yesterday was Labor Day. I spent most of it in the car coming back from a trip to Pittsburgh (posts to come on that visit). But the time I spent at home that evening was filled with laundry, dishes, and various preparations for the week. I also spent time on this post. I researched it in the car, stopped at the store to grab a few things on the way home, and then made the recipes (yep, their are two!). So many things in life require labor - mental and physical - but we rarely stop to notice it.

This drink, while quite easy, still requires time and energy. It was tough to muster it yesterday after the drive. But, isn't it always worth it? Some things you have to show for the labor you do - money, a clean house, a bountiful garden. And, others you don't - relationships, success, happiness. Or, at least not physical things. Let's raise a glass (a basil mojito perhaps) to all our hard work. Here's how to make this drink...

Ingredients - Makes 2 Drinks
10 Large Basil Leaves, more for garnish
1/4 C + 4 tsp. Granulated Sugar
2-3 Limes
4 oz. White Rum
Cold Club Soda

Zest one of the limes. Then juice the limes to 1/4 C.

Begin by making the basil-lime sugar: In a small processor combine the sugar, lime zest, and 2 basil leaves. Process and put on a plate.

Make the drink: In a cocktail shaker combine the remaining basil, sugar (4 tsp.), and lime juice. Muddle until the sugar dissolves and the basil is well bruised. Add the rum and some ice. Shake until really cold and mixed well.

Serve: Rub a lime wedge around the edge of a tall glass. Press into the sugar. Add a few ice cubes to the glass and divide the drink between two glasses. Top off with a little club soda. Cheers!

Variation: Lemon-Basil Mojito
Make this fun variation for something even more different. I found this recipe on Cookie + kate, a blog that I've found inspiration on a time or two. Here's how to make it...

Ingredients - Makes 2 Drinks
10 Large Basil Leaves, more for garnish
10 Fresh Mint Leaves, more for garnish
2 tsp. Raw Sugar
3 oz. White Rum
3 T Lemon Juice
Cold Club Soda

Divide the basil, mint, sugar, and lemon juice between 2 low-ball glasses. Muddle each until the sugar dissolves and the herbs are well bruised. Top with some ice, 1 1/2 oz. each rum, and a little club soda. Stir and garnish with a sprig each of basil and mint. Cheers!

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