
Monday, July 1, 2013

The Brooklyn Cocktail

1,2, yep, 3 strikes we wouldn't have been at the ball game

 I suppose I should tell you the whole reason we went to NYC for vacation. Steven and I are working our way around the US visiting all 32 of the baseball stadiums (we've now made it to 7). Traveling to NYC this year, we were able to check two more off our list.

First we visited the Met's stadium. It was, what felt like, in the middle of nowhere. We took the subway out to the park and enjoyed a beautiful day of baseball. It was about 70 degrees and there was a nice breeze. Steven and I felt so lucky to have had such a nice day. I guess we shouldn't have expected that to be the case for the Yankee's game as well...

We ended up visited the Yankee's stadium twice. We purchased tickets for the Tuesday night game (we were to leave Wednesday afternoon). Well, it decided to rain Tuesday and the game was postponed until Wednesday afternoon. We were bummed and worried we wouldn't be able to rearrange our flight the next day. So, when we got back to Manhattan, we decided to visit a local bar, The Rum House. The drinks and bartender were great! We cheered up a bit with a drink called The Brooklyn, a twist on the classic Manhattan. Oh, and everything worked out in the end. We were able to push our flight back to make the game. Next time you're feeling blue, try this cocktail, it might cheer you up...

Recipe - Serves 1
2oz. Rye Bourbon or Whiskey
1oz. Dry Vermouth
1/4oz. Maraschino Liqueur
1/4oz. Ramazzotti
Orange Twist

Fill a tall glass with ice. Add the bourbon, vermouth, maraschino, liqueur, and ramazzotti. Stir until well chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Chase those blues away...

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